Editorial Work

  1. Driving & Talking: SilverCar Wrap-Up

    I spent a little over one week with an Audi A4 2.0T from SilverCar. I’m usually wary of companies that employ flippant mottos like ”Rentals that don’t suck,” but in this case, it quite perfectly captures the ethos.

  2. Palm Springs Air Museum: Where Old Planes Go To Be Restored

    I never pass up an opportunity to check out things that fly, er, used to fly. I nearly crashed the car when we drove past on the way to Joshua Tree a few days ago, almost certain I’d seen an amphibious prop plane. I was not disappointed At the back…

  3. Drive Through Joshua Tree National Park In 7 Minutes

    Yesterday I visited Joshua Tree National Park with my family. The scenery is incredible, and the rock formations towering. We stopped in a few different spots for a quick hike; an old-time cowboy galloping through would not have been out of place anywhere in the park, it’s got a real…

  4. Mulholland Night Drive

    Here is a quick spin down/up/around a portion of Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles, the car is a 2013 Audi 2.0T rented from Silver Car. 

  5. This Is A Supercharged Porsche 911

    The combination of the classic thrum of a 993 flat-six motor and manic supercharger whine is absolutely intoxicating. That, and the potential for this AWD Porsche to tackle any kind of weather is truly drool-worthy The new owner bought it in Florida and road-tripped back up to NYC, no problem.…

  6. Why Drug Dealers Will Love The 2014 Corvette Stingray

    Also, why you shouldn’t buy a C7 Stingray if you live in Ohio; you might get arrested.

  7. ‘74 Porsche 911 Ride Along

    The sounds this car emits are simply other-worldly. The metallic rasp folds over itself with mechanical determination, popping and crackling off throttle like an explosively flatulent school kid.

  8. BMW 328 Roadster: Stunning Sheetmetal

    Yesterday I saw one of my absolute dream cars in person for the first time. I had a hard time putting sentences together…

  9. Watch Some Guy Take The Doors & Hood Off A Brand New Mercedes CLA

    Looks a bit like a chop shop right? Good. Last week our garage at Classic Car Club Manhattan was transformed into a Hollywood movie set, which was supposed to look like a chop shop. I arrived in the morning to see the CLA and was pretty excited to have an…

  10. On The Ethos Of Cars & Coffee

    You’ve got a cool car, or know someone who does. SWEET! You’re excited about cars in general and you want to jump on this nationwide bandwagon of informal style “Cars & Coffee” meets. GREAT! So you show up expecting to meet some fellow enthusiasts, check out their rides, and enjoy…

  11. Triple C Racing: One Season Down

    Team Triple C Racing is Classic Car Club Manhattan’s first racing division. The effort has been spearheaded by Adam and JJ, but it’s a true team sport. These guys have now completed their first season of SCCA SM racing, and it’s been a real journey. Throughout the season they replaced…

  12. How To Fit In A Back Seat With A Half Cage (Why It’s A Bad Idea)

    Now, let me preface this by emphasizing how bad of an idea it is to ride in a car with an unpadded cage without the proper safety equipment; you could be seriously injured.   That said, intrepid CCC mechanic Ethan demonstrates the most gracefulest of ways (not graceful at all) to…

  13. M3 Duality: Which Would You Choose?

    One of our members picked up the Gallardo Spyder yesterday and left his very clean, mostly stock, 80k mile E30 M3 in the garage for the weekend. I couldn’t help but line our E30 up next to it and make some comparisons.

  14. Driving & Talking: 1989 BMW M3

    I’ve been driving this M3 as much as possible for roughly the last year (er as much as my bosses will let me) and I’ve finally collected my thoughts enough to talk some sense (and a lot of nonsense) about one of the greatest cars ever built.

  15. This Honda Ridgeline Is Ready For Zombies

    I spotted this extremely well equipped Ridgeline in Brooklyn earlier today. At first I was like, “hm cool matte black truck,” and then I looked closer and was all, “holy SHIT is that a solar panel on the hood?!” Starting at the front we’ve got a hefty winch, a large…

  16. A Unimog in NYC? Yes.

    One of our more adventurous members brought his newest purchase over to the garage today. It’s a 1972 Unimog, built by Mercedes Benz, and it might just be the perfect “city car”. It’s a big thing at 8.5 feet tall, it makes me feel like I’m Danny Devito standing next…

  17. Three Years Worth Of 1WTC Pictures, And Some Cars Too

    I’ve been taking pictures of 1WTC since I started working at the Classic Car Club Manhattan about three years ago, and now I’ve got 266 photos. People accuse me of being obsessed with 1WTC, and to be fair, I kind of am.  September 11th left a mark on me, it…

  18. The stupidest thing about the SLS AMG

    Luckily you don’t have to actually put the key in, ever. So I guess it’s not that stupid.

  19. Is The E39 M5 Too Quiet?

    Usually I’m all for making cars louder; half the fun of driving is hearing the sound of the engine. But in the case of the E39 M5, I kind of like the fact that it’s not really loud.  It definitely has that V8 bass when you rev it, but it’s…

  20. Over 100 Dirt Bikes and ATVs Just Wheelie-d Past

    I remember this happened last summer too, but instead of weaving down broadway they were coming across 96th street this time.  Pretty wild.

  21. Go Ahead, Wax Poetic About the E30 M3

    But it doesn’t mean shit until you’ve chased down a current generation M3 on track.  Okay to be fair, I may not be the most impartial voice on this topic (I love E30 M3s), BUT, having driven both first and current generation M3s on track I will invoke a small…

  22. Got a V8 Vantage? Pull fuse 22 immediately.

    We’ve replaced our 06 Aston with an 06 Aston, but with about 60,000 less miles. The only thing is, the new Aston was way quieter. I asked my boss about this and he told me there’s a fuse. Pull the fuse, he said.   I used google and google told me…

  23. Exceptional Engineering Extends to MP4 Key Fob

    I had to take it apart today to replace the battery, and found some sexy raw carbon fiber, and an exceedingly well-put-together key fob. Everything fits together so nicely. 

  24. How Not To Drive A Caterham

    Here’s a video from last summer, when I was riding shotgun in a Caterham Super7. I know the road well, and I advised the driver to take it really easy since he didn’t know the road as well as I; he didn’t listen.  He got on the throttle too soon…

  25. Make Your GoPro Audio Suck Less

    I’ve been messing around with GoPros for a while now, and there’s one glaring issue with these rugged little pieces of technology; the audio sucks. Finally after about a year and countless wind washed-out unusable shots, I bit the bullet and got a microphone. By no means professional equipment, the…

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